Monday, June 8, 2015

Last Blog Entry

What I will remember most about my fourth grade year is that I met new people. For example, I met Catherine, Sonia¸ Josie, Sabrina and so many more. I will also remember my wonderful and amazing teachers. That would be Mrs. Gerard, and Mrs. Zwicker.  They rock! The Reading Challenge was awesome, as well. J We all had to read at least 5 hours of reading, but most of us reads much more than that. Oh, and if you do not remember, we have will now have only 19 kids in our class, because one of the students are leaving. L

                What I am most proud of is gaining my confidence and learning my long division and extended multiplication.  Also, I learned better vocabulary. Something like this, “Spectacular” or “Immensely”. So, what do you think?  I have talked to new people as well. And after a while, we became good friends! (That person would be Sonia, by the way…) She is super, super, super, super, SUPER funny & nice! I like her a lot.

                I am actually looking forward to a lot of things in middle school, but I will miss Elementary School dearly. L First of all, I am really excited to learn about the Language Arts class. Also, I am happy to come home early and be with my brother more often! I am also super glad that we get our very own lockers! Lastly, I am happy to have my friends by my side the whole entire way.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Blog Entry

During our Social Studies unit, we have been studying famous New Hampshire people. I was studying Johanna Lotte Jacobi, a very famous photographer. Also during the unit, I learned that not everything will just be handed to you. When I was studying my famous NH person sometimes I felt like I would not be able to meet a deadline, but with the support of my classmates and teachers, I actually did meet the deadline!  So, since we did learn so much, we decided that we would make a wax museum. At first, I was nervous that I wouldn’t have a good enough costume, but over time I relaxed. We also had to make a speech, as well. But, there is a trick with it. You still have pull out most of the key points in your report, and still make it sound interesting and to make sure that it doesn’t begin to get boring! I will always remember Lotte Jacobi as a very famous photographer who did not back down, and also a determined woman!

Lotte Jacobi Biography

Lotte Jacobi Report
By: Lauren Booth
Lotte Jacobi’s life childhood began from a speck of her photos on her desk in her tiny home in Thorn, West Prussia, to millions of her pictures overflowing in very famous magazines! She had always loved photography, as well. In an actual fact, Lotte Jacobi’s grandfather had begun his own business of photography, back in 1754, of course. Lotte’s father & grandfather had inspired her so much, that she decided to make her very own pinhole camera. Jacobi’s grandfather was the one who inspired her to follow in his footsteps. Pretty cool, right? Besides, she was in a very, VERY long line of photographers. But, surprisingly, photography was definitely not an official activity back in her younger days. Because everyone did not like her because of her hobby, her family decided, instead of living in her actual birth area, to move to Germany. As she grew older, Lotte Jacobi yet still continued her famous work. Since she still hasn’t given up just yet, let’s see where her curiosity takes her! As you can probably see already, Jacobi worked very hard for what she finally achieved. Here is how she began to build up her photography business! As she began to become a teenager, she finally understood the art and way of the photography business. She was 14 at the time. She had worked very, very hard to convince the locals to display her NOW famous pictures. But, remember, that was only because of the government policy. At age 23, Lotte Jacobi married a young man, whom was called, Erich Riess. They had a very wonderful relationship, but, unfortunately, Riess sadly got captured by the Nazis during the World War 2. Since she was now alone, she had to work for her own money. Once she had aged enough, (To be an actual adult) she decided to work for the famous magazine called, “Life” temporarily. After earning her share, Jacobi’s wish had finally come true! She could now have her very own studio! She finally accepted that not everything will come so easily to her. So, instead of just giving up, she tried again, except more & more determined! OK, so maybe she took pictures of famous people, but why exactly? Well, now I will tell you. Remember, this was pretty important for her, so listen closely, so this all makes sense! Her father had suggested for her to try to take on photography, along with her very famous photographer, Samuel Jacobi. Unfortunately, her father had suddenly got a horrible, AWFUL disease. He was rushed into the hospital, only to pass away after a few hours. She had especially liked doing the photography business, only because of her father’s support. Once she had finally earned enough money and cents, she decided that she would buy her own studio! I’m assuming you have your stunned image plastered to your face, but her life DOES get better, believe me! I’m not lying, I swear! If you still don’t think that her life gets better, than maybe this will assure you that it actually does. She was invited warmly to work for “Life” magazine temporarily. She was happy to earn the money for taking pictures, but soon she decided that she would take a step a back. Once, she made a new camera, new and better than the ones in stock, but everyone seemed to disapprove of her discovery. But that Lotte Jacobi, how much hope did she have left? A lot, apparently. Eventually, she found a glorious idea! She would sell her lens once she repaired them. So, here we go, you now can all those worries off your chest now. Also, since she was such a good person, she got rewarded with awards and other thoughtful items! Pretty lucky, huh? Let’s go see what she got for her achievements! OK, so she had finally earned her respect among all her fellow friends in her country. In fact, she got honors! Let’s see if we can reveal her achievements! Because the citizens thought that she was such a good photographer, they made a gift to surprise her. They used a big chunk of rock, carved it into a sculpture of a camera. They then painted it and gave it to her. How nice of them! Also, not surprisingly, the NOW famous celebrities asked if Lotte could take just a few photos of them. It was quite a coincidence! Anyway, the Covington Church allowed her to take a famous, famous picture of Albert Einstein, wearing a leather jacket. She earned a lot of money, because, in fact, she sold an exact replica of that photo! She got if for 1,000 dollars! I know, I know, it may not seem like a lot in our present days, but back then it was a lot! Now since she had some money, she moved to Deering, NH, and had a baby boy, named Jonathon. But, unexpectedly, she got very ill, and got wheeled to the hospital, and, unfortunately, passed away. I know that you may be feeling sad, but remember, she had a very good life, and it was worth it. She was a wonderful & inspiring women!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Why You Should Use A Waste Free Lunch!

            You probably don’t even think about packing a plastic packaging filled lunch into your child’s lunch box, but plastic packaging is HORRIBLE for the environment! I’ll even prove, too. Did you know that 20,000,000 pieces of trash & garbage go into our U.S landfill each year? Can generate about 67 pounds of thrown away lunch packaging & lunch leftovers! Also, did you know that packaging is recycled at a rate at less than 1%? Family using disposables can generate more than about 4,800 pieces of trash & plastic packaging. About 50 percent of cans are recycled, 50% are not. Juice boxes are made with either complete plastic or cardboard covered with 3 layers of it. Did you know that average middle schoolers waste can actually weigh up to 11 sedans? If you didn’t know already, sedans are a type of car. We need a way to stop this madness! You may think that lunch waste & plastic packaging will never change, but, there can be a way to stop it!


You should help change this world because this is VERY bad for the environment! I’ll even tell you why! Did you know that most inorganic foods can retain its weight, shape & form for 4 decades?!That is a lot of time! Now this is an interesting fact! Of all items of food, lunch waste & food packaging is the largest part of the waste stream in the whole entire United States of America! That explains simply why our waste stream is so gigantic! WOW I am surprised, aren’t you? Did you know that most of the pieces in the landfill is plastic packaging… AND! It is a fact that plastic has very, very, VERY! Bad petrol chemicals?!


            Here are some easy tips that you can do to make this world a happier & healthier place! This will hopefully encourage you to be kind to the earth! Alright, so, just an example, using paper napkins aren’t good! They are not good for the environment, either. So, instead d of just wasting money and all that awful, horrid catastrophe business, why waste the time? Just use fun, and definitely useful cotton napkins! J Also, just remember, that you CAN help this world! May I suggest that you use a waste free lunch? That means no more plastic packaging or juice boxes! You can bring instead of plastic ware, metal forks and spoons. Also, bring compostable foods! That will surely help the environment! Don’t worry, you are definitely not alone! I have been doing things that have been making big, AMAZING improvements!


     Now, I will tell you what I have been doing to prove that this IS good for our earth! OK, well, to start things off, I have been using reusable containers & also, they work SO much better! So, just a tip of course, use them! They seal a lot better, too. I don’t use juice boxes, because those aren’t a good habit to get into! You shouldn’t either! Our family uses cotton napkins instead of paper napkins. It is also eco- friendly, too! I definitely plan to use metal forks & spoons! This WILL make a difference. Remember, this will make a HUGE impact, I know it will!


     OK, so I know this is a lot to think about, but I want you to know I feel, how I think. So, here’s everything I’ve got. You SHOULD use a waste free lunch! This is really important for the world! You can make a difference, so don’t get too overwhelmed! You can make a HUGE impact, just by doing simple and easy things. Remember, you can do one single thing, and still do amazing things to the world! Your habits can change, don’t stress about it. You may not even notice this, but, you, YES YOU, will someday, absolutely be an expert on this planet! So, don’t just stand there, get, moving! You can simply change from that horrible plastic packaging, to using compostable items! Ok, so, let’s think about this for a moment… What do you think? I think you should use a fun, eco-friendly snack! Well, if you ask me, sometimes I think to myself, what will happen if we DON’T do this? But, YOU will make a difference, I know you will!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Friday, February 6, 2015

Lauren's personality!

Hello, my name is Lauren. I am in 4th grade, I am 9 years old (almost 10) and I enjoy drawing.  I also like to bake, and do crafts. My most favorite book is called, “The Maze Runner”. I enjoy listening to Novel, because we’re reading another favorite book of mine, called, “Buddy”.
          This blog is to update you on are school’s latest activities. We are learning poetry in Writing, and electricity in Science. My favorite subject is Math, because we’re learning about decimals and long division. I have always wanted to learn about decimals and long division! i really like to read, too!

I hope you will want to read this post, and feel free to leave comments and suggestions!